Erin + Cole | River Market Engagement Session
We absolutely love shooting in new environments and new locations AND we love the intimacy that comes with shooting in a couple’s own home. We got to do both of those with Erin and Cole. They graciously invited us into their home (a loft in the River Market area in Kansas City Missouri) to start the shoot. There is so much to be said about the relaxed environment at your own home. The photos feel genuine, authentic, and often times more intimate. There’s nothing not to love :)
After that, we venture out onto the streets of the River Market and into one of their favorite restaurants and bars, the classy Brown & Loe. As usual with establishments in Kansas City, the staff was very kind and generous and were happy to accommodate us as we roamed around the place searching for angles, backgrounds, and foregrounds for our photos.. we even ventured behind the bar a couple of times.
We had a blast with Erin and Cole, and are so happy that we got the opportunity to photograph them and to document this time in their lives. We also got to extend the evening with a little date night at Brown & Loe :)

Chloe + Eric | Kansas City Engagement | Nagel Portraits
… scroll down for more images :)
There’s a lot to be said for a couple intnetionally putting some thought and planning into their engagement session. A lot of people rely completely on their photographer for capturing that epic style of engagement photography they see on Pinterest and all over Instagram. There’s nothing wrong with that, to be sure. We, your photographers, have a lot of experience and countless hours honing our ability to see our subjects and their backgrounds in a creative and asthetically pleasing way. We’ve learned to push the limits and are ALWAYS trying new things (a subject which may spin off into another post :). We are definitely able and happy to take the reigns and design the shoot 100% autonimously. BUT…. there are a few great things that happy when a couple is mentally and emotionally invested in the both the preparation for and the outcome of the shoot.
You’re better prepared, mentally :: Most of us don’t spend a lot of time in front of a camera, and when we jump right into something that we don’t have consistent experience with, we tend to be reserved and overly self-aware. That can tend to come off as awkwardness and it often shows in the final photographs. We have a lot of practice at making people feel less awkard when having a camera pointed at them while they’re supposed to be acting intimate with their partner and pretent that we’re not there… and I like to think that we are generally fun-loving people and quite easy to be around, thus making the whole experience more natural and enjoyable. But, the fact remains that putting some serious thought into the shoot, and even practicing beforehand can definitely make you feel more comfortable and at ease during the shoot. Yes, I said practicing… together, in front of a mirror. It will feel stupid, but you get to see how your bodies and faces and apendages look together, and I guarantee you that you won’t be nearly as worried about how you look when you’re in front of a camera. Practice poses from those afroementioned photos that you love from Pinterest and Instagram… It makes a HUGE difference!
You make better, more well thoughtout decisions because you know what result you want :: This applies mostly to your wardrobe and location choices. When you take time to research and look (really look and study) the images that you love, your wardrobe choices become more refined and better wardrobe makes better photographs… all. the. time. This is one of the reasons that we pay wardrobe stylises thousands of dollars on commercial shoots (well, that and the fact that their actually doing the shopping and purchasing all of the wardrobe choices). It’s an entire profession, because it’s so important when it comes to how you want the photograph to speak and the emotions and the feelings that you want it to convey… well, that and you want to look killer in the photos that you’re going to share with your closest friends and family :). We’ve had couples even rent dresses and suits and jewelry online just for the engagement shoot and I will tell you that those shoots are some of the most stunning we’ve done and I think that it’s because so much thought and preparation was put into the planning by the couple. (btw I’m not saying that you have to spend any more money that you already have by renting clothes… just underlining the importance of thought and planning :)
You have more fun! :: This usually goes without saying, but the shoot doesn’t have to, and probably shouldn’t, be all serious and “artistic”. Some of our absolute favorite photos of our couples come from those spontaneous moments that we weren’t even planning for. Wether it’s taking photos in your college tee shirts or shotgunning Natty Lites in a city park (yes, that actually happened and it made me very happy), do things that are YOU! The big landscape-backed or architecturally inspired creatively framed photographs with pensive looks spatial separation are stunning and great to frame as large format wall art for your home, but make sure that you’re ready to loosen up and enjoy yourselves by just being you. This is our favorite part of the shoot because we can all be real with each other. We can hang out, joke, laugh, and all be together for a few hours in an atmosphere that has no pressure. Yes, you want to get those big, epic shots, but the most important thing when documenting this specific time in your lives is to be yourselves, laugh a lot, and have fun… it’s then when we, as your story tellers, get to be on your journey and to tell your real life story!
Okay… enough rambling on. I need to get home and have dinner with my family! Here are some more images from Chloe and Eric’s engagement session. They did all of the above, and it was truly a fantastic shoot. They practiced, they thought through locations, made great decisions on their wardrobe, brought their sweet pup (which we always recommend :), and they, and I, had a great time!!
Amanda + Stephen | Kansas City Engagement
It always takes me by surprise when a couple's wedding day approaches. Sometimes it feels like we just shot an engagement session the previous week, and then BAM.. wedding day is here!
It's one of the best, most rewarding, parts of our jobs getting to connect with our couples on a personal level. After an engagement session, we're so often able to come away with newfound friends, and that's a pretty meaningful thing for us. Amanda and Stephen are no exception. Although their engagement shoot happened on one of the hottest days of the year last year during the dreaded peak of that Kansas City summer, these guys killed it! Not only did they look amazing, but their spirits were high, and the heat didn't seem to be able to touch them (aside from the sweat on their foreheads :). Maybe it was the glow of going through the process of cementing these moments as one of the first touchstones on their future life together. Maybe it was that they just love being with each other no matter what else is happening around them. Maybe it's because they had already got the afternoon off ... or maybe it was because the end of the day (shotgunning a couple Natty Lites in cognito at Loose Park) was in their minds throughout the shoot. Maybe it was a combination of all of that. Whatever it was, these two enjoyed their time taking engagement photos around KC, and I surely enjoyed my time with them!
Amanda and Stephen... we're so excited to celebrate with you here in a couple of weeks and can't wait to see how everything unfolds on your big day!!
Until then... cheers!
Megan + Luke || Engagement :: Columbia MO
Hey, look at us... a blog post. Yes, we always seem to be a bit behind on sharing our images, but we just had to get some up from this shoot with Megan and Luke! We shot in the woods just outside of the MU campus in Columbia, MO. Wooded areas have always been one of our favorite places to photograph. Part of it may be that Mark grew in the country, exploring the woods nearly every day of the summer with his older brother. Part of it may just be the sheer beauty of nature. Whatever it is, we're so glad that Megan and Luke wanted to shoot here... we loved the backdrops that the location offered and it was well worth the drive :)
Here's a little sample of what we captured...

Jessica + Tim || Kansas City
It’s always fun, and often a little nerve-racking, to shoot for other photographers. But when Jessica asked me to shoot a couples’ session for her and Tim, I jumped at the chance. Not only is Jessica a friend of mine, whom I’ve have I had the joy of working with on multiple occasions in the past, but I also loved the idea of the shoot. They wanted something simple that just captured who they are in real life, and they wanted to shoot in their new loft in the Western Auto building in downtown Kansas City. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again: I absolutely love shooting in people’s homes. It’s a place that holds so much intimacy and vulnerability. It’s a place where it feels completely natural to be completely ourselves. An added bonus was rooftop access with a view of the city, of course!

Jamie + Aaron || Engagement :: Kansas City, MO
Jamie and Aaron live in the River Market area in downtown Kansas City. They love Kansas City and wanted to do the shoot on their stomping grounds. I mean, can you blame them? They live in one of the coolest parts of the city.
This was one of my favorite engagement photo sessions to date. I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately... I guess this fall has been good to us: great clients, fun shoots, and people buying me drinks... who could complain, right? I think one of the biggest reasons that this was such a successful shoot is that Jamie and Aaron were both very invested in it. By that I mean, they put a high value on the production of these images and made a huge effort to make them what they were... and it showed (both during the shoot and during post production). They picked out the perfect wardrobe (Jamie even procured a dress just for the shoot), and together we planned out exactly where to go in order to capture the imagery that would showcase their style and their life in the urban environment in which they live. Jamie even had her hair and makeup professionally styled at Posh KC!
By the way, I highly recommend doing this, and Posh KC did a fantastic job! Normally, hair & makeup artists are reserved for commercial shoots and wedding days. However, it makes a big difference on any shoot to have a professional stylist involved. They are "professional" for a reason, and there is a high value in their skill.
This good lookin' couple is getting married next September and we are stoked to have a part in telling their story:

Ariele + Trevor || Kansas Country Engagement
What a fun shoot! Ariele and Trevor put a lot of thought into wardrobe choices, and I LOVE that! They brought a carload of clothes and I got to help them pick and choose what to wear. I HIGHLY recommend doing this, if at all possible. It leaves your options open and gives you the ability to, not only change your mind on the spot, but also to make an informed decision based on the environment that you’re in. I chose the locations for the shoot, so Ariele and Trevor had never seen them. They were able to update their wardrobe on the spot after seeing the different locations and deciding what would look best on them... and in the environment.
We shot in our own backyard, out south of the suburbs. I love getting to drive home as the sun is going down on most days and I have fallen in love with how the light rakes across the trees and the fields in these open spaces. I LOVE shooting here and was stoked when Ariele and Trevor were into the idea :)
We had a blast working with them, and can't wait until their wedding!
Cody + Felicia || Engagement :: Kansas City
If you've thought about dressing up a little for your engagement session.... DO IT! This was one of our favorite engagement sessions this year. Cody and Felicia decided to get a little dressed up and start off the shoot at Harry's, one of their favorite local Kansas City establishments. Their wardrobe matched the environment perfectly. After leaving Harry's, we headed to a lesser-known spot that overlooks the West Bottoms near downtown to chase the remaining daylight.
Not only did I have a great time shooting with these two, but they treated me to a gin and tonic to start things off! Gotta love drinking on the job ;)
Rachel + Stephen || Engagement :: Kansas City, MO
I don't often get the opportunity to shoot engagement photos in the dead of the Kansas winter, however, I was stoked when Rachel and Stephen decided to do their engagement session on a trip to KC to see family in December! There are a few things about the winter here that I absolutely love: The chance to bundle up, the excuse to drink hot chocolate & Bailey's on a semi-consistent basis, a good reason to revert to my childhood while I tromp around snow and play with my kids, and the love of a well crafted fire in the fireplace while listening to Gregory Alan Isakov. On top of those, I do love to shoot in the winter. Whether it's just after, or during, a snow storm when I'm just shooting for my own creative exploration, or it's shooting a couple who are willing to brave the cold and work together with me to create some beautifully unique images. Not everyone wants to have their photographs taken when it's below 40 degrees and overcast, but I believe that those who are, are in for a treat. I had a great time getting to know Rachel and Stephen and had a blast hanging out with them while we did the shoot. I'm glad that we got to shoot when we did and where we did, and I believe we came out with some pretty fantastic images. So, without further ado, and with no more rambling, here they are...
Abby + Tyler's Engagement: Fields, Frolicking, and Fences
Okay, so maybe a little bit less "frolicking" than the title implies, but I can never resist a good alliteration.
When Tyler and Abby decided to shoot their engagement session out in my neck of the woods I was thrilled. One, because it's a lot closer to me than St Joseph, MO where they're from :) ...and two, I absolutely love the scenery out here. We live just beyond the most southern reaches of Overland Park, KS amidst some of the most beautiful landscapes in the area, regardless of the time of year. Fall is definitely one of my favorites, and although the trees had only just started their yearly transformation into their deeply saturated colors of yellow, orange, and red, I couldn't have asked for a better setting for the shoot.
We shot for less than two hours, but were able to capture a very wide breadth of imagery. This was partially due to the fact that all 5 of our locations were within a mile and a half... of course, it also didn't hurt that Tyler and Abby are both natural born models and moved inherently and effortlessly into different poses that relentlessly forced my trigger finger onto the shutter button.