Wedding Mark Nagel Wedding Mark Nagel


Abby and Tyler were married in St Joseph, MO last fall. I'd actually never been to St Joseph... or "St Joe" as they call it, but it's sort of a charming little town. With their classy attire coupled with the beautifully traditional aspects of their ceremony (not to mention the hometown draw), it seemed like the perfect place for these beautiful people to embark on a lifelong adventure. 

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Wedding Mark Nagel Wedding Mark Nagel

Monica + Patrick || Wedding :: Kansas City, MO

Monica and Patrick McIlvaine were married on June 28th, 2014 at Lake Quivira. I often feel like a broken record, but we have had the incredible fortune to have worked with so many wonderful people. Monica and Patrick were certainly no exception! ..Such genuine people that exude honest and thoughtful care to those around them. We have had a pleasure working with them and their families

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Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel

Justin + Adrienne || Wedding :: Kansas City, MO

Ever since we shot Justin and Adrienne's engagement session, we've been stoked to partner with them on their wedding day. They are two of the nicest people you will ever meet, and we've really enjoyed getting to know them. Justin and Adrienne were married at Christ Community Church in Brookside had their wedding reception at The Guild in the Crossroads.

On a side note: I've been after that particular photograph above since we moved to Kansas City about 2 years ago. I finally had the time, location, and the perfect couple to pull it off!! 

Oh, lastly, this was also our first time working along side the folks from The Photo Bus. They've got a seriously rad thing going (there are a couple photos at the end of this post)... so, if you're looking for a fun and unique photo booth option for your wedding reception, please check them out!

Now... some photos...

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Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel

Matt + Diana || Wedding :: Nashville, TN

It's not too often that we get down to Nashville, and that seems somewhat unfortunate. Not only does Katherine have fairly strong ties there, having grown up visiting family in Nashville and then heading there for a degree in vocal performance from Belmont University, but we also have some very close friends that live just outside of the city. So it's always a pleasure to visit (especially when we can extend our stay, and still expense most of the trip!). 

Matt and Diana tied the knot a couple months back and their wedding was really one of a kind, created by them from start to finish and inspired by some of their favorite classic authors. It was full of class and style, and we enjoyed getting a chance to capture something so unique. The ceremony and reception were held at Events on 3rd (an historic Speakeasy from the 20's) in the heart of Printers Alley

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Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel

Theda + Igor || Wedding :: Kansas City, MO

Better late than never, right? Theda and Igor were married in Kansas City last November, and for some reason, I'm just now getting around to blogging it. Theda and Igor both live and work in Washington DC, so our pre-wedding time together was somewhat limited. However, we did get to meet up for dinner in Westport one night at the delicious Westside Local (which I would highly recommend!), and we sort of became fast friends. I had a ridiculously good time with them and it was one of those moments when you realize that you probably would have been good friends in back in high school. Anyway, Katherine and I had a great time celebrating with them on their wedding day and we're so glad that our worlds ended up colliding. This is one of my favorite parts about the job, getting to meet and befriend people that you may not otherwise get the chance to. 

Our post-ceremony photo journey included a stop at one of Kansas City's oldest burger joints, Winsteads. Everyone was hungry and much of the wedding party was either from out of town or out of the country, so the consensus was that a local burger run was a must. It's that type of spontaneity that often gives you such memorable experiences from your wedding day.

One last comment: Theda and I shot a bridal session a couple of days before the wedding date, and after including several of those, the gallery below became somewhat large. So, I apologize if I crash your computer.

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Portraits, Photography Mark Nagel Portraits, Photography Mark Nagel

Wiedenmeyer Family

Katherine and I shoot mostly weddings these days, but every once in a while we get to take a brief hiatus from the creative space of wedding photography and focus on the smaller, and often times even more intimate, setting of a family photo session. I love these sessions! It's an entirely different approach to the creative side of image making; it's generally a much more relaxed environment; and you get to see the dynamics of one of the highest forms of love, that which exists between a parent and a child, play out right before your eyes. It's refreshing and it's inspiring. The Wiedenmeyers have been friends of ours for a long time, and it was a pleasure to take part in the celebration of their sweet little girl's first (or second, depending on when you start counting) birthday!

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Engagement, Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel Engagement, Photography, Wedding Mark Nagel

Rachel + Stephen || Engagement :: Kansas City, MO

I don't often get the opportunity to shoot engagement photos in the dead of the Kansas winter, however, I was stoked when Rachel and Stephen decided to do their engagement session on a trip to KC to see family in December! There are a few things about the winter here that I absolutely love: The chance to bundle up, the excuse to drink hot chocolate & Bailey's on a semi-consistent basis, a good reason to revert to my childhood while I tromp around snow and play with my kids, and the love of a well crafted fire in the fireplace while listening to Gregory Alan Isakov. On top of those, I do love to shoot in the winter. Whether it's just after, or during, a snow storm when I'm just shooting for my own creative exploration, or it's shooting a couple who are willing to brave the cold and work together with me to create some beautifully unique images. Not everyone wants to have their photographs taken when it's below 40 degrees and overcast, but I believe that those who are, are in for a treat. I had a great time getting to know Rachel and Stephen and had a blast hanging out with them while we did the shoot. I'm glad that we got to shoot when we did and where we did, and I believe we came out with some pretty fantastic images. So, without further ado, and with no more rambling, here they are...

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Engagement, Photography Mark Nagel Engagement, Photography Mark Nagel

Abby + Tyler's Engagement: Fields, Frolicking, and Fences

Okay, so maybe a little bit less "frolicking" than the title implies, but I can never resist a good alliteration.

When Tyler and Abby decided to shoot their engagement session out in my neck of the woods I was thrilled. One, because it's a lot closer to me than St Joseph, MO where they're from :) ...and two, I absolutely love the scenery out here. We live just beyond the most southern reaches of Overland Park, KS amidst some of the most beautiful landscapes in the area, regardless of the time of year. Fall is definitely one of my favorites, and although the trees had only just started their yearly transformation into their deeply saturated colors of yellow, orange, and red, I couldn't have asked for a better setting for the shoot. 

We shot for less than two hours, but were able to capture a very wide breadth of imagery. This was partially due to the fact that all 5 of our locations were within a mile and a half... of course, it also didn't hurt that Tyler and Abby are both natural born models and moved inherently and effortlessly into different poses that relentlessly forced my trigger finger onto the shutter button.

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Mark Nagel Mark Nagel

Justin + Adrienne || Engagement :: Kansas City, MO

I love it when clients that hire me us their photographers become fast friends. I feel like that definitely happened with Justin and Adrienne. Katherine and I shot their engagement session together and we had a blast. These guys were fun, easy to work with and completely into each other.. which makes our job easy. Justin and Adrienne are getting married next June (the day before our wedding anniversary). We're stoked to have been given the opportunity to document the occasion!

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