Engagement Mark Nagel Engagement Mark Nagel

Jamie + Aaron || Engagement :: Kansas City, MO

Jamie and Aaron live in the River Market area in downtown Kansas City. They love Kansas City and wanted to do the shoot on their stomping grounds. I mean, can you blame them? They live in one of the coolest parts of the city.

This was one of my favorite engagement photo sessions to date. I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately... I guess this fall has been good to us: great clients, fun shoots, and people buying me drinks... who could complain, right? I think one of the biggest reasons that this was such a successful shoot is that Jamie and Aaron were both very invested in it. By that I mean, they put a high value on the production of these images and made a huge effort to make them what they were... and it showed (both during the shoot and during post production). They picked out the perfect wardrobe (Jamie even procured a dress just for the shoot), and together we planned out exactly where to go in order to capture the imagery that would showcase their style and their life in the urban environment in which they live. Jamie even had her hair and makeup professionally styled at Posh KC!

By the way, I highly recommend doing this, and Posh KC did a fantastic job! Normally, hair & makeup artists are reserved for commercial shoots and wedding days. However, it makes a big difference on any shoot to have a professional stylist involved. They are "professional" for a reason, and there is a high value in their skill.

This good lookin' couple is getting married next September and we are stoked to have a part in telling their story: 

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Mark Nagel Mark Nagel

Wedding Tips - Part I : The First Look... or not

It’s an often debated topic, and understandably so. There are a lot of pertinent questions surrounding the decision of whether or not a bride and groom should see each other on their wedding day before their ceremony. Weddings are wrought with tradition. That’s not a bad thing. And traditionally speaking, brides and grooms typically do not see each other before the bride walks down the aisle at the beginning of the wedding ceremony. However, it has becoming more and more common for the bride and groom to do what has become a buzzword in the wedding industry… A “First Look.”

First, let me say that we firmly believe that this decision rests solely upon the bride and groom. We, as the photographers, are there for the predominant reason of telling the story of your wedding day. That story should unfold exactly how you want it to, and our job is to support you in making that happen, and to make creative decisions on how to best document that singular story in a multifaceted way, and in the ordered segments, that make the most sense for YOUR particular story. I have heard of photographers giving their clients the ‘ol hard sell trying to convince them that they know what is best. Be assured, that is not what I’m trying to do here. I am simply laying out a few things to think about when it comes to making that decision. These items are based both on our experience as well as on the many conversations that we’ve had with many different engaged, and newly married, couples.

So, here are a few reasons based upon which we generally recommend that a bride and groom do a “first look” before the ceremony:


Possibly the most important reason is this: A first look can, and almost always does, make the day less stressful for you, and in many cases your parents as well. Since you’d be getting a large chunk of the photography completed before the ceremony, you will gain much leeway when trying to fit events into what can be a very limited window of time between the ceremony and the reception. We almost always still schedule time for a photo session after the ceremony, but if we’ve already had time for photography beforehand, this session can easily be much shorter without sacrificing that particular element of your story. If this secondary photo session is, thus, much shorter, you also don’t have to fret about your guests waiting and waiting for you and your wedding party to arrive at the reception (we all know what happens when Uncle Bob has too much to drink before the food is served).


There’s a marked difference in the emotions of the bride and groom before vs. after the ceremony. Both are amazing, and both are real, and I love to photograph it all, but there is almost always a subtle difference in facial expressions as well as interactions between the bride and groom before the ceremony vs after. I chalk it up to a sort of nervous energy. One has never, in my experience, been diminished by the other, but they are different enough that it’s a pretty great way to document your progression throughout the day and to tell the whole story. There’s a special kind of excitement in the air when you see each other at that moment. There’s the anticipation of becoming husband and wife, yet you’re not married yet. It’s a private moment, without anyone watching… except us :), and one that can be savored for an extended period of time. Most importantly, it’s one more thing that you will never get to do again: be with each other, on your wedding day with no one else around. It is a VERY special moment.


Some people, and understandably so, fear that the emotion that will overcome them as they see each other for the first time at the start of the ceremony, will be somewhat diminished due to the fact that they’ve already been together that day. Again, based on my experience (as well as everyone we’ve talked to), I would tell you this: nothing can change that moment. Even though a bride and groom may see each other earlier that day, there is absolutely nothing like watching your bride, soon to be your wife, walk toward you, ready to take you as her husband. And there is nothing like being a bride and walking toward your husband. Nothing changes that moment.


The final, and most obvious, reason is that a first look gives you more photography from your wedding day. Wedding Day timelines are often fairly tight… they often have to be in order to fit everything in that you want to do. There are a lot of important things to schedule in a relatively short period of time. However, when a bride and groom do not see each other before the ceremony, many of those things end up being stacked end-to-end. Without a first look, you’re typically jumping from the ceremony right into family portraits (when all you really want to do is be together and revel in the fact that you’re married). By the time that is said and done, usually your guests are already arriving at the reception. A cocktail hour is a great solution to that, so that your guests don’t have to sit around and wait, but even that puts you on a tight time frame because your guests start to get hungry. And when people drink too much before dinner, you may be in for a different sort of trouble (need I mention Uncle Bob again?). You’re probably looking at about an hour or so window after your done with family photos, before you want to get back to your guests at the reception. Not having been able to take photos with your new husband/wife before the ceremony, that could leave you pretty pressed to get a few images at a great location before you need to be entering your reception.

...Okay, ‘nough said :)

Take it for what it’s worth.. think about it, talk about it with your spouse-to-be, ask others who have been through the process, and by all means, hit us up with a phone call or an email and pick our brains too. We’ve seen it unfold both ways, many times.

If you choose to work with us to capture your wedding day, we will never try and pressure you into something that you don’t want to do. We simply see it as our responsibility to make sure that you receive the absolute best photography of your wedding day as is possible. Part of that, for us, is making sure that all expectations are heard and that they are met to the absolute best of our ability. Regardless, we will work with whatever you decide to do, and the day is going to be amazing either way.

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Engagement Mark Nagel Engagement Mark Nagel

Ariele + Trevor || Kansas Country Engagement

What a fun shoot! Ariele and Trevor put a lot of thought into wardrobe choices, and I LOVE that! They brought a carload of clothes and I got to help them pick and choose what to wear. I HIGHLY recommend doing this, if at all possible. It leaves your options open and gives you the ability to, not only change your mind on the spot, but also to make an informed decision based on the environment that you’re in. I chose the locations for the shoot, so Ariele and Trevor had never seen them. They were able to update their wardrobe on the spot after seeing the different locations and deciding what would look best on them... and in the environment.

We shot in our own backyard, out south of the suburbs. I love getting to drive home as the sun is going down on most days and I have fallen in love with how the light rakes across the trees and the fields in these open spaces. I LOVE shooting here and was stoked when Ariele and Trevor were into the idea :)

We had a blast working with them, and can't wait until their wedding!

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Portraits, Family Mark Nagel Portraits, Family Mark Nagel

Mcllvaine Family

One of the greatest and most rewarding aspects of what we do as photographers is getting to know those with whom we work on a very distinct level that is not always seen by others. As photographers who primarily walk the path between art and documentary we get to know our subjects on a plane that not many people do. Our clients invite us in to see their world the way that they do, but at the same time we come from our own creative perspective to look with our own eyes... "eyes" meaning our unique perspective behind the camera, taking into account elements like camera angle, focal length, depth of field, lighting choices, etc. It's a unique interaction with people, it's an intimate look into relationships, It's fascinating, it's creatively inspiring, and it's one of the things that keeps us coming back to this medium of expression each and every day.

One thing that makes that glimpse into the personal lives of our subjects even more profound is when they decide to shoot at a location that is very special to them. And where can you go that's more intimate than your own home? The home is where real life unfolds in a very real way. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the desire to shoot at a location that is visually captivating, whether it be an urban environment, a park, or somewhere in rural nowheresville. We shoot on location a lot, and there are many things that we really enjoy about that too... shoot, for one, it's typically much easier, photographically speaking. But the intimacy of the family dynamic in the safety and comfort of the home, and the relaxed interactions that come along with that are hard to match elsewhere. 

So... all of that being said, I'm really glad that Monica and Patrick chose to shoot with their 2 boys, and their dog, at their own home. We, and they, were very happy with how the images turned out and with the story that they tell as a whole.

I had a blast shooting Monica and Patrick and their kiddos! They are such a sweet family, and their love for each other was bouncing off of the walls! We got to shoot Monica and Patrick's wedding a while back and it was so fun getting to come back and documenting their growth as a family! 

Here are some of our favorites from the shoot... enjoy!

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Wedding Mark Nagel Wedding Mark Nagel

Rusty + Meagan || Wedding :: Boulder, CO

Remember that wedding almost a year ago when I got to spend the weekend with a handful of great friends from college and when I got to see this amazing couple get married? Yeah, it's taken just a bit of time, but here are some more images from Rusty's and Meagan's wedding in Boulder, Colorado.

I can't even describe to you how special it was to be a part of their lives in this way and to join with so many other great people in the celebration! Favorite moments include a midnight hike with the infamous Donnie Mortimer in Lyons, CO, and a midnight (the next night) march down Pearl Street after the wedding reception lead by Rusty, Meagan, and a few guys from the crazy talented Space Capone entourage (<-- seriously... click that link... you won't be sorry)! 

These guys, and their families, know how to throw down a timelessly epic party, and they know how to treat those around them with love and hospitality.

Rusty and Meagan: Thank you so much for making me a part of these moments! My life is richer having celebrated this occasion with you, your families, and your (our) friends.

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Photography, Engagement Mark Nagel Photography, Engagement Mark Nagel

Cody + Felicia || Engagement :: Kansas City

If you've thought about dressing up a little for your engagement session.... DO IT! This was one of our favorite engagement sessions this year. Cody and Felicia decided to get a little dressed up and start off the shoot at Harry's, one of their favorite local Kansas City establishments. Their wardrobe matched the environment perfectly. After leaving Harry's, we headed to a lesser-known spot that overlooks the West Bottoms near downtown to chase the remaining daylight.

Not only did I have a great time shooting with these two, but they treated me to a gin and tonic to start things off! Gotta love drinking on the job ;)

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Wedding Mark Nagel Wedding Mark Nagel

Rachel + Stephen || Wedding :: Kansas City

Rachel and Stephen are two absolutely lovely individuals. That's the honest truth, but now that I write the words, "individual" seems like the wrong word. Rachel and Stephen are part of a larger community of some of the nicest and most genuine people around. It's often said that the people with whom we surround ourselves speaks a great deal of truth to who we are as "individuals", and I believe that rings true for this couple. We witnessed so much joy on their wedding day... and it wasn't the typical happiness that naturally coincides with a wedding... it was deeper. It's hard to explain, but we feel honored to have been able to take part in their momentous day, and blessed to have witnessed the love that this bride and groom have for each other, as well as those closest to them. 


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Wedding Mark Nagel Wedding Mark Nagel


Here's a quick sneak-peek into Callie and Erik's Kansas City Wedding. One of my favorite shots of the day was taken in a freight elevator in the Hobbs Building in the West Bottoms. More to come later...

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